
Scotland Grows magazine is a PPA award-nominated, digital title dedicated to celebrating real gardens, gardeners, and gardening in Scotland, set in a visually contemporary reading experience, with fully responsive text and images across all device sizes.

Conscious of the global race to net zero emissions by 2050, we launched as a digital magazine which uses no paper or ink in production, covers no physical distribution miles, and instantly reaches across the length and breadth of Scotland and beyond (we are being read in 101 countries at the last count).

Bringing an inspiring and informative mix of growing in Scotland, set in a beautiful content experience, this publication is empowering the Scottish gardening market, helping to spread the message that we in Scotland, know a thing or two about gardening!

We are driven by key themes of encouraging readers to plant and harvest seasonally; to consider sustainable garden solutions; to plant for pollinators; to eat more plants; to reduce food waste, and to reuse and recycle in the garden and allotment where possible.

We want to encourage growth in all aspects of gardening and in the health and well-being benefits which gardening brings with features to engage novice to experienced gardeners; first time veg growers to seasoned allotment holders; horticultural groups to community initiatives. Scotland Grows brings pages about real gardening happening in Scotland right now, from east to west coast and from the borders to the islands.

Subscribe for our fully responsive, digital magazine which will drop straight into your inbox, and come and chat with us on Facebook and Instagram – we love to chat gardening!

In 2023, we added an award-nominated podcast, the Scotland Grows Show, to our offering – please do listen in to the fantastic range of guests on the podcast chatting about gardening in Scotland.

Get In Touch

Do get in touch if you would like to have your own garden featured in the magazine or if you have a business which would like to reach the Scottish gardening market through our magazine, website, podcast, newsletter or social reach – we are always open to ideas!

What people are saying…

Subscribed and sat reading Issue 6 with a cuppa. Delightful having an entire magazine that is well-written and focussed on Scottish growing. Can’t wait until the kids go to bed so I can read the back copies.

Alienna Tennyson

“In a time when climate change is at the forefront of everyone’s minds, an innovation like this which has to be as close to net zero as possible is surely a winner!”

Helen Rushton

At last a magazine for us Scottish gardeners!

Growing a Scottish Garden

“On behalf of the members of Busby & Clarkston Horticultural Society, may I say our members enjoy your Scotland Grows magazine immensely.”

Fergus Cumming

Creativity in launching an eco-friendly online magazine that is 100% focussed on the requirments of its growing readership. Articles are informative, helpful, well written and inspiring.

Already generated discussions with our community so a ‘virtual’ magazine has physically brought people together – a great success for a new publication!

Gordon McIntosh

“Just what Scottish horticulture needs. The more means we celebrate our diverse gardens, gardeners and our whole industry, the better.

I am really proud of it, massive congratulations to all the team! A proper celebration of Scottish gardening well written! Looking forward to the next issue!

Brian Cunningham, Beechgrove Garden Presenter & Head Gardener at Scone Palace

“Hi, loved the first edition, thank you! I have longed for a magazine that wasn’t written for English climates and soils but for our different climate.” 

Yvette Jones

“This online gardening magazine allows me to stay in contact with what is happening in my native Scotland. Now living in New Zealand I love the articles and photos. Gives me lots of ideas for presents for friends and family.”

Anthony McGlennon

“A truly unique product – no other gardening magazine is so specific to Scotland. It arrives regularly in my inbox, packed full of great advice and well edited content – it’s really inspired me!”

Anne Simpson

“Nice to see that there is a magazine tailored to Scottish gardens!”

Edible Gardens

“I’m really excited about the magazine as it’s exactly what we need in Scotland!”

AJR Greenspace

“What a really enjoyable and well produced magazine. 
Thank you!”

Mike Rossi

“A magazine that finally promotes Scottish gardening and the growing conditions we face! This online mag is excellent!

Elizabeth Schofield

“This is a really innovative approach in garden journalism. Completely paperless magazine and the only one dedicated to Scotland, bringing Scottish gardeners together to share ideas specific to Scotland’s growers, and growing a sense of community.”

Tracy Crawford

“We so hope the Scotland Grows team get all the recognition they deserve for creating such a brilliantly innovative product which has revitalised the Scottish gardening market!”

Daniel Doherty

Let’s celebrate real gardening in Scotland together – we’d love to hear from you!