Earth Day 2021

Today is Earth Day, an international event celebrated around the world to pledge support for environmental protection. This year’s theme for Earth Day is ‘Restore Our Earth’.

Earth Day is celebrated on 22nd April every year. This year, 2021, marks the 51st anniversary of Earth Day.

Since its inception in 1970, Earth Day continues to grow as a worldwide phenomenon focused on promoting clean living and a healthy, sustainable habitat for people and wildlife alike. Celebrating Earth Day serves as a conscious reminder of how fragile our planet is and how important it is to protect it.

“We need to build a global citizenry fluent in the concept of climate change and inspired by environmental education to act in defence of the planet.”

EARTHDAY.ORG President Kathleen Rogers

As individuals, we all yield real power and influence as a consumer and a voter for change. As gardeners, we have the ability to garden sustainably by using peat-free compost; reusing and not buying more plastic for the garden; planting more trees; nurturing green spaces organically; buying locally grown plants; planting native plants and flowers; growing our own food; and planting to sustain our pollinating insects.

We also have the ability to share this knowledge with new gardeners and with our children and grandchildren to help them take action to help end plastic pollution, fight climate change, and protect our precious lands, air, water, and wildlife.

Earth Day inspires us to act towards the protection of the environment and focus on the need for conservation and worldwide joined-up thinking on the sustainability of our planet. Shouldn’t every day be Earth Day?

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